Monday, April 11, 2011

Book Reading #47 - Why We Make Mistakes

Why We Make Mistakes
Joseph T. Hallinan
Broadway Books 2009

Ch. 8 - People have a tendency to unconsiously make things tidy.  This leads to inaccurate maps, misjudged distances and abridged stories.  The personality of a person will often determine what gets changed and, more importantly, alter the way they remember an event.

Ch. 9 - Men and women behave differently when it comes to risk.  In general, men are more likely go engage in risky behavior than women, with all the consequences and benefits associated. Additionally, men tend to be overconfident and women underconfident in their abilities. 

Ch. 8 - Well, there's a price to be paid for everything.  If you remember every detail or a location, you're going to have to sift through boatloads of data to determine what is important or not.  If you try to retell an event exactly as it happened, then you will likely be a poor storyteller (unless the event was riveting).

Ch. 9 - An interesting chapter that highlights some of the differences in the way that men and women think.  While I believe that the two sexes are equal in terms of ability, as a general rule they will approach a situation in different ways and react accordngly.

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